Monday 21 October 2013

Having a technologically challenging month!

The past fortnight I have been laptopless!!
 I have been Tabletless!!
 I have been Ipodless!!
 And on a few occasions during which I threw it against the wall in a fit of rage, 
I have been smartphoneless!!!

I genuinely had no idea just how dependent I had become on technology. For someone who is absolutely not tech savvy, this was a discovery! Its been unbelievably refreshing to be without all of my techy gadgets for the last while.  I have finally started reading about 10 books that were starting to grow legs and walk at the edge of my bed! So I have resolved to be a little less gadget dependent in the future! Maybe I could even get out and talk to people! Making myself sound like a hermit isn't my intention here but I have been a little bit of a social wallflower lately, so here's to abandoning the apples, and the pods in my life and embracing more of the coffee dates and dance soirées!!

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