Wednesday 2 October 2013

A list about lists!!

I like lists.

 I like making lists.
 I like reading lists. 
But most of all I like checking off lists.!
 This is a fact I have only recently discovered, a quirk I never knew I had. 
If your 30's are your age of self discovery, then hurrah, this is my first revelation!!
So here's a list of all of my favourite types of lists. 

Shopping Lists.
Essential. Four different types of cheese seemed like perfect fare for dinner when I happened upon them in the dairy aisle the other evening!!! Never shop hungry!!A list may not stop you running this gauntlet, but at least you will be aware that you are shopping rogue, stepping beyond the confines of your sensible list!!

Holiday Packing Checklists. 
Because its never funny to get where you're going and realise you have no undies! 

Pros and Cons Lists.
Whether you are choosing your future husband, or just deciding whether red skinny jeans are a good choice, its always good to know why and why not!!

Travelling Lists.
Maybe I'm alone in this but half the fun of travelling for me is planning all of the crazy, nutso, completely unrealistic things I'm going to do/see when I get there. 

School Book Lists.
 I was one of those nerds who tried to complete the required reading for the year before returning to school after the summer!! My first college book list was the most daunting and the most exciting list I ever received.

Silly E-Lists.
9 reasons why Sherlock would make a terrible boyfriend.
10 mistakes women make on a first date.
10 simple rules for using commas (should be my bible).
10 reasons to cast Vin Diesel in everything.
Some are useful, some are useless, and some keep me mildly amused while I'm waiting for a bus.

To-Do Lists.
The not so fun list. 
These are usually the list to make when the house is falling down around your ears and the only way out is to call Kim and Aggie, or just get on with it!!

Bucket Lists.
Everybody should have one. They make life more purposeful. Having something to aim for, even if it is tasting everything on the menu in The Magnolia Bakery, is what gets us out of bed in the morning! Make it as mundane, or as wild as you like, you'll have fun checking it off!

Reading Lists.
Unsurprisingly, these are my favourites. 
The 30 books to read before you turn 30. 
The BBC top 100. 
The 100 books David Bowie has on his bookshelf. 
I love to read. I want to know what everyone else is reading, good, bad, or indifferent. I like to be challenged to read something I'd never have picked up of my own accord. Lists are the way to go!

Top Ten Travel guides.
Somebody clever also liked lists. Now they make millions all over the world.

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