Monday 30 September 2013

Hello God....its me Margaret!!

 I have never been 100% certain of my faith in God in the traditional sense. My grandmother, who passed away recently always instilled in me a belief in God. She encouraged me to go to church, to go to confession, to pray for others, and in return God would love us unconditionally. I don't know if its the jaded, weary attitude of a generation who have had religion shoved down their throat on every available news bulletin, but I have found it harder and harder to stay true to what I was taught.

I believe in something bigger than me, that I am certain of. Whether you want to call it a higher power, or a God, I am beyond putting definitions on anything. All I do know is that it gives me great comfort and an outlet to release all of my fears to. We all need somebody/something to unburden ourselves to, especially when you feel there is nobody in the world you can tell. Whether it be concern for yourself or a deeper concern for someone else, prayer, to whatever form of power you believe in can be a great relief.

I suppose I am using this outlet today to reach out on behalf of somebody close to me who is going through something even I cant comprehend. We are all just a blip on the radar when you consider how many people there are in this world. I can pray for all those in need,sick and helpless, but on this occasion I feel the need to be selfish and I'm sending a prayer out there to whatever powers that be to look after this special person in my life and to bring them through this terrible time safe and sound.

If good karma is anything to go by then this person is deserved of a cyclone of  prayers and good wishes to whisk them to a speedy recovery.

Don't be afraid to have faith. X

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