Tuesday 17 September 2013

A Maui Sunset.

I arrived in Maui on a Wednesday  afternoon. I had been travelling over 24 hours and I was nearing the end of my tether with the whole travelling thing. I had hurt my back while carting my bungalow sized suitcase up the two floors to my shoe box room in my hotel. I was tired, cranky, and I just wanted to wash the travelling off me, crawl into bed and sleep the next week away. But something in me made me venture out, just take a stroll I said to myself, see what this sleepy little town has to offer.
So I went out, feeling decidedly pessimistic about the whole affair, all the while arguing with myself (because that's what you do when you travel alone!!!), telling myself Id have been better off to just sleep and face the day afresh tomorrow, when I encountered this little family.
The sun was starting to go down, the heat was dissipating and I sat awhile and watched as the child dipped his toe at first and squealed as the little waves lapped at his feet. He ran back and forth to Mom and Dad pleading with them to take him into the water. After much nagging and the age old tearless crying act,(his persistence was admirable) he managed to get them both on their feet and he brought both of them to the waters edge. I decided to try to capture this lovely moment, and the resulting photo to me looks like something that comes straight from a story book. I think it captures the essence of what family is all about.  X

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