Tuesday 17 September 2013

XFACTOR-ITIS......its an affliction, but I've got it, and I'll tell you why!!

I know the title of this post may well have put the majority of you off reading this. I felt I needed to justify why, over the past few weekends, I have not only been following the X Factor, but have been entirely immersing myself in it. I have YouTubed not only the English auditions, but also the American, and the Australian ones. Like I said, its an affliction, but bear with me.

I know the score, from those of you ( you know who you are) who have asked me over the past few years, "Why on earth are you still watching that unmerciful shite?". I'm paraphrasing a tad, the actual sentiment was much less sweet and endearing than that. I know that it is a show full of insipid, glory hunting, money grabbing attention seekers, and that's just the judging panel!!! I also know that a huge portion of it is staged and edited to tug on my already susceptible heart strings, because at the end of the day we all know I love a good sob story. 

BUT....and here comes the revelation.......one or two of those contestants genuinely love to sing , more than anything in this entire world. They love how it feels, whether or not there's anyone watching. They love the satisfaction they get from hitting that high note that's been evading them for so long. They love the exhilaration that standing in front of an audience gives them. It scares them half to death, its often the scariest thing they have ever done, we hear the same story, over and over. The same story resonates with so many people because so many people have the same aspirations. Whether or not your dream is to sing, you should be able to relate to that feeling of fear, fear of not succeeding at something that means that much to you. 

I can put my hand on my heart and say that the reason I love this programme, and all other talent shows is because inside I'm still that kid who never had the guts to go out and get it myself. Anyone who has ever done an important job interview, passed an important exam, or went to that fated audition knows the gut wrenching nerves, the anticipation, and also the adrenaline you get when it goes well. 

I love to sing. I don't do it often enough. It makes me incredibly happy. It makes my family happy. Maybe I should consider taking that leap and finally put myself out there. Baby steps though, anyone know of a good karaoke bar????? 

Below are some of the auditions that got left behind, but these are the contestants I admire.

Joel Goncalves....or as like to call him, Bunny in the headlights!! 

Shaheen Jafargholi!This kid gives me chills!! He went on to sing at Michael Jacksons memorial. 
Those opening notes are heartbreaking! <3 

Jessie Buckley from Killarney. The BBC were searching for Nancy, Jessie wasn't Nancy, but she was by far the biggest star in that show. 

And finally, this is the video that made me want to have this little rant about the X Factor/BGT/ talent shows in general. Nicholas Mc Donald  may yet win this years X Factor. He may also disappear without a trace after bootcamp, but his audition touched a nerve with me. Forget the bawling family, and the approving judges, just check out his little shaky hand, and the daunted look in his eyes when he walks on the stage and sees the crowd. If you can get beyond the your initial cynical outlook and just listen to the kid, this is why The X Factor will always get my TV Gold medal..

Nicholas Mc Donald

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