Monday 23 September 2013

When did I become so cold?

I opened the paper today and saw this photo.

Two small children stand terrified beside the body of a dead man, a victim of the massacre in Nairobi.
I did not react how I expected I would react, and it has been bothering me all day. I am by no means indifferent to these children. I am truly horrified by the events unfolding in Nairobi over the past few days. Don't get me wrong, I am not heartless. But I will say that I opened the newspaper and was not even slightly surprised by the photos. Have we become so appallingly desensitized to the suffering of others? I am distraught that I did not even bat an eyelid when confronted with this horrendous photograph.

In the past week alone there have been 3 cases of people opening fire in public areas that have made news headlines. The shooting in a navy yard in Washington, a park shooting in Chicago,and this latest shooting in Nairobi. Its such a senseless waste of life, one we should be sitting up to take notice of, and yet I didnt flinch upon hearing about them. It has become so commonplace now for us to hear about guns and violence that it washes over us without seeping into our consciousness at all. We live in an age when TV shows are more graphic than ever. Kids learn about violence from games and movies. The generation that follows mine is in grave danger of losing the sensitivity that we have almost already lost. They risk becoming apathetic and cold. And its a terrifying thought.

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