Tuesday 24 September 2013

The "Whatever" O Clock news!!!.... #TwerkGate

Going online to read my entertainment news used to be one of my little guilty pleasures. Of late it has been hi-jacked and I am not impressed. 

Hannah Montana, come back all is forgiven. I am officially sick of watching as little reptile Miley Cyrus tries to shed her Disney skin by showing off as much of her own skin as she possibly can. The video for her song wrecking ball is absurd, and shows her up as a glory hound who will do pretty much anything to get herself in the spotlight. I thought rubbing her barely legal ass into married Robin Thickes crotch was as bad as it was going to get,but I have a feeling this could be just the beginning of Mileys transformation.  

Lets see how low she can stoop next time......
Oh, wait, we don't have to. This just in!!! Miley Cyrus has generously tweeted semi naked pictures of herself canoodling with a capuchin monkey. How very grateful we are that she took the time to enlighten our lives with her ingenious publicity stunts. How very conscientious she is to be highlighting animal cruelty...that is why she's doing it, right??? 

I wish she would take her freakishly long tongue and her granny panties and get the hell out of my news feed. I have much more important things to be reading about.....

NEXT ARTICLE: Geordie Charlotte wins Celeb Big Brother..... Tee Hee!!

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