Wednesday 25 September 2013

SONGS TO LIVE BY! Free.....All Right Now!!

This one for me is not so much a song to live by, as much as a song that taught me to live. Its on the soundtrack to Now and Then. The movie was released in 1995, the year I started secondary school. The girls in it were the same age as I was and it was all about self discovery. It covered the dilemma of discovering that your parents aren't the perfect people you always expected them to be. It covered the angst of first love and awkward teen romances. It even covered the young teen girls fascination with the tall, dark, handsome stranger.

 Brendan Fraser features very briefly in the movie in a scene in which he plays a returning Vietnam Veteran  traumatised and beaten by the things he's seen and things he was forced to do. The song by Free plays in the background as this downtrodden, wistful stranger walks into the girls lives, and continues to be heard as he tells his story and passes on some tough life lessons. This is one of my favourite scenes from any movie I've seen and I still adore this song.

Its also a fantastic number to crank up the car stereo, roll down the window, let the breeze rip through your hair, forget all your troubles and just drive!!!

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