Thursday 19 September 2013

SONGS TO LIVE BY: Dream Like New York by Tyrone Wells

I love New York. I first visited NYC in 2010. In the run-up to the holiday, I immersed myself in absolutely everything New York related. I watched numerous episodes of FRIENDS, CSI:NY, Blue Bloods, all in a bid to make it the best experience I could. I had always had a fascination with the city, so I enjoyed researching it. So naturally enough I put together a playlist for my IPOD of songs written about New York.
Most of them I had heard and loved already, but I stumbled upon this little gem purely by blissful coincidence. The lyrics speak for themselves. Its got all the essential elements to make it an ode to New York, but beyond that its also an incredible creed to live by.

"How many times, have you tried and failed?
Have you watched your dream slip away?
Well every hero falls, and soldier crawls,
and every dreamer dreams again.
You gotta dream again.

Go on and dream like New York,
As high as the skyline.
Aim for the stars, 
Above those city lights."

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