Thursday 19 September 2013

Wishin' and Hopin'.......

I wish I owned a country estate where my very own Mister Darcy could swim in my pond...
every day....for the rest of my life

I wish Stephen Fry would narrate my life.

I wish I had a film star husband, and a brood of stunning (slightly freckly) children.

I wish I could have tea and a scone with the Queen.

I wish I was a Tony Award winning Broadway star. 

I wish I was a JK Rowling-esque novelist.  

I wish Bell X1 would come play in my sitting room, (and stay for tea...willingly). 

I wish life was a little more plain sailing and that all of our wishes came true.
I wish I was thinner.
I wish I was more beautiful. 
I wish I was healthier.
I wish I was fit.

Im exhausted just thinking about it. PHEW!!
Lets just start from the bottom and work our way up shall we???

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