Tuesday 17 September 2013

I've come so far and yet I still rarely see what's right in front of me.

This year alone I have traveled farther than I ever imagined I would. I have seen things I never anticipated seeing. I have fallen in love with places I had never even heard of before I left home. One unexpected thing I have taken from these experiences, was a loyalty to home that I had never really had before. And I'm not talking about home as in where your family is, but home as in "The Green Green Grass of...". I made a promise to myself when I was away that I would discover all of the wonderful things we use to advertise our wonderful country to the rest of the world. I wanted to see all of these places that the tourists love so much.
                                                 I wanted to fall in love with Ireland.

This photo is of my first sunset after I returned home. It was taken on the bus journey from the airport.
It felt a little as if little ole Ireland was throwing down the gauntlet to all of these other amazing places Id been, daring me to see what it has to offer. Let it be the first of many amazing sunsets I encounter here. x

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